Dolphins can live up to 50 years.

they can stay underwater for up to 15 minutes between breaths.

Dolphins can dive as deep as 1000 feet.

Dolphins are not fish, they are actually mammals. 

A dolphin sheds its outer layer of skin every two hours.


They have grey, rubbery skin while their belly is white. Within each flipper, bottle-nosed dolphins have a structure of five finger-like bones. Their fins are called dorsals. Bottle-nosed dolphins get their names because of their snouts, which look like hand-blown bottles.



Bottle-nosed Dolphins are highly intelligent and curious mammals that are often used in aquarium shows. These dolphins follow fishing boats to feed on the fish that are thrown back; they have even been known to approach swimmers.There is 3 subspecies.One in the red sea, one in the north Pacific and one in the atlantic ocean. 



The bottle nosed dolphin, if it is healthy, well and living, will usally live on Salmon, anchovy, capelin and other inshore fish, to feast on as well as squid and shrimp.



Bottle-nosed dolphins mate in the spring and summer, and females give birth to single calves about 10-12 months later. Although they are capable of giving birth unaided, two or more 'midwives' often help with the delivery by tugging at the newborn's tail and whistling encouragement. They also protect the vulnerable mother and her calf from sharks.



Dolphins talk by squeaking to eachother. that is their form of communication. their squeak does actually travel in water sucsessfully.

Below, is a map of where the dolphins normally hang about (the north pacific ocean, the atlantic ocean and the red sea)

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