The emperor penguin is the biggest penguin in the family.
Their height is about 122 cm and weigh from about 30 - 40 kg.
They live to about 50 years.
They come from the antartic.
The emperor penguin holds record for the the longest and deepest dive of all birds.
Their wings and back are black and they have a white stomach. They also have a black head with large yellow and white patches on the side of their neck.
they normally eat small fish and crustaceans (animals with shells) They have been known to dive up to about 535m but mainly look for food around 50m deep into the water.
Like other penguins, they spend most of thier life at sea. They swim by using thier flippers to create an up and down movement that ables them to swim fast
Emperor Penguins are normally able to breed at around three years of age and usally continues to about 1 to 3 years. The cycle normally starts early winter which starts around March April time. They only have one mate partner a year and stay faithful to that mate.
Lots of animals are declared the Emperor Penguin's predators such as ...... the Lepord Seal, the Southern Giant Petrel, the Skua, the Orca and many types of sharks. Below is a map of Antartica.The penguins are located there.