The latin name for them is Suricata suricatta

They are located around southern Africa.

They are a fawn colour.

Their legnth is about 10 to 14 inches.

Meerkats weigh up to 2 lbs

They live up to around 12 - 14 years,.



The meerkat diet consists of a variety of insects to include scorpions, beetles, centipedes, worms, crickets, spiders, millipedes, as well as small mammals and reptiles, birds, eggs, tubers and roots



The meerkat's tail is 17 - 25 cms  long and they use this as a tripod to balance on when they stand in an upright position. Their ears are closeable to prevent sand from getting in them when they are digging and their feet have four toes with 2 cms  non-retractable claws.



Meerkats usally form a big gang. The male and female meerkats in charge of the group, normally do all the breeding. One litter is normally around 2 - 5 pups. In the wild, the breeding season is from October to April but in captivity Meerkats breed all year round.


Their main predators are martial eagles and jackals. One Meerkat of the gang will stand guard while the others forage for food and play. When the guard senses danger, they will give a warning bark and the other members of the gang will run for cover in one of the many bolt holes they have across their territory.

Below is a picture of Africa.The orangy brown bit is the Kalahari desert, where the meerkats usally are.

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